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More CNAs, Home Health Aides and Companions and Helpers needed for Seniors and let's help everyone find the needed help

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 22:24

One person looking for work put an ad on a local FB community page and got offers from agencies and my two cents... Such as looking at joining with a friend or two possibly also looking at the jobs available to consider joining as well.. That's for doing senior care and childcare even pet care and housework or tutoring... It can take a while to find a good match but there are many offers and 'it only takes one...'

Good luck and get ready to more hours than you can fill.

Sharing At This Special Spring Time of Tibetan Special Day, Passover, Easter and Great Reflection on April 1st, 2021 Unfold

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 20:24
Most of America and the world gratefully witnessed the highly-guarded Inauguration of President JosephRobinette Biden, Jr. and Vice President Kamala Harris. Hopefully even more were moved by
Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman with words of hope and encouragement.
 With the challenge of facing the 500K mark of Americans passing due to COVID with 2 million more worldwide in addition to all others who have passed in the last year, we can find more comfort and inspiration from many faiths and views about the human condition.
In a program of which women can be a guest for the first

Passing Along Awesome Program Details from Deb Poneman's Yes to Success in its 40th Year! Starts April 1st, 2021 and Access to Replays!

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 14:54

Are you ready to grab the brass ring and create a life of true and lasting success?

Yes to Success 2021 begins tonight, Thursday, April 1st at 8:30 pm EDT/5:30 pm PDT and the excitement is off-the-charts as hundreds of like-minded women and men from around the world will be joining together to launch our dreams into the stratosphere. The only thing missing is you!

See all the program details HERE

When you register for this 10-week LIVE VIDEO online experience you'll enjoy rich knowledge about how to create a life of inner silence and outer abundance.

Find More Help and Know Your Are Not Alone...Lots of Support for Life's Ups and Downs and Bumps in the Road

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:53

No matter our age or stage of life, there are important things to consider about one's emotional, social, mental, cognitive abilities. If someone is sick from the flu or just not feeling well, if taking pain meds or having physical challenges, there may be short term needs for support...a bit like some with dementia need from time to time or on a more regular basis.]\

 Learn about NAMI too, National Alliance on Mental Illness and all they offer people whose family members have mental illness or for other community supports.

Sharing the Notice About The CT Conference on Dementia from the Alzheimer's Association

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:24

Space is filling up fast!!!

23rd Annual VIRTUAL Dementia Education Conference

The Connecticut Chapter invites you to join us on April 7th, 8th & 9th for an interactive and immersive educational experience.

 April 7th and 8th are geared toward professionals across the continuum of care, and Continuing Education Credits (CECs) will be available. The cost for the two-day professional event is $110.00.

April 9th is for family caregivers, and is offered at no cost.

Don't miss this event!
go to

 Please email Stacy Chavis for more
