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Live FB talk from about Women, Money, Working, Getting Ahead

on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 01:13 is the link to see the interview or skim through. I will circle back and put some highlights up. I was multi-tasking but overall found it helpful to ask for what you want with confidence, be knowledgeable and know it's a 'worker's market' (if I caught those points correctly...) Here's their PR for the talk...

"From award-winning NPR journalist and host of The Indicator from Planet Money comes a new book about women in the workplace.

To My Ol' Vassar Friends and Everyone in My Circles and Beyond..An Idea I hope Catches on Quick to Help Many!

on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 08:57

Hi Folks, I am sharing a bit about a lovely tapestrythat could be turned into a poster. It's of a lovely person with horse and natural elements and warm colors...It's made of fabric with a lot of detail and special stitching... I would like to start promoting that kind of of art and even a poster of this one ..and wonder if there's a way to have another person's face photoshopped into the picture as they may like to personalize etc.

Let's Talk About It...Or Think of Doing that at least!

on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 04:53
To the Editor...
 For all the books and programs offered or required in schools, libraries, courts news outlets and public speaking programs such as (which is offering some free online conventions and support tips,) the idea of having a meaningful discussion online or among a group of people (say 2-6 for starters) is not common and could be as scary as giving a formal rehearsed speech. Being open to hear people with differing views is part of how we can tune into our local and wider sense of humanity, culture and politics. 
 At the recent Scottish Festival held at Lime

Whose Job Is It to Find Help for Those In Need?

on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 04:50
To the Editor of The Lakeville Journal of CT (and the Wider World!)
Seeing ads on TV for '' or to call 2-1-1 for help in a crisis or for help with housing, childcare, medical or less pressing needs, one might think 'we're all set' even for those without computer skills. However that's not the case. Some can 'get in the system and get a case worker."
 Maybe a social worker at a hospital or in a town, a minister or other advocate could guide someone to the door of getting more services whether a youth or elder. 
But still one can often need 'family, friends or other

Truth, Lies and Denial Impact US All

on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 04:48
To the Editor of The Lakeville Journal of Ct (and Wider World)
On a recent TV crime show the difficult issue of child abuse was explored. A judge intimidated a competent child witness to her sibling's abuse by a caregiver (adoptive parent) by firing questions about knowing the difference between telling the truth or telling a lie. We can all aim to live with integrity and compassion based on the truth.
 Allowing freedom and advocating for others is a boundary more can explore for themselves and others in their community.
How many people witness abuse but deny or delay in
