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Inspiring Talks, Why Not Give a Listen...I will after I finish a webinar with Viktor Grant

on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 23:05 looked exciting and inspiring, but I'm learning a ton with Viktor Grant about internet sales and use...and how to hone in on "Return On Ads Spent"(ROAS). Some folks spend Big Bucks on ten ads (as in thousands) and has to babysit the ads to make a lot of money which he does.

Have you heard of spending a few bucks a day, then clones that 10X and does that more. FB wants you to commit to one audience for a big investment, a big launch over a campaign time.

SociSNAP Folks Excting To Get To Know! I'm Now an Affiliate! I'll post my links soon!

on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 22:11

Viktor Grant is a helpful person to listen to learn about tons of basics and more...SAML or Open ID were up for identifying people on the internet. Open ID won the standard term. Open ID is what AOL, Facebook and Google use, but Viktor Grant hoped that the world had gone with SAML. He was instrumental to using Skype *such as editing a message even after it was sent.' He likes using Skype for a lot of meetings and webinars because there is less monitoring. 

Viktor offered a way to join in SociSNAP to grow his business and the whole vision is to get more regular folks able to use the internet.

Free Coaching and Ideas about Marketing With Some folks I'll share here

on Tue, 02/22/2022 - 14:58

I got to meet Jacqueline Wales a number of years ago and have enjoyed getting her emails since.

She's offering some free sessions and tips in her newsletter so check that out on her site, Also tune into the masterful for marketing and magic in that department, Youtube ads and more.

Then there's which I just joined and really need to follow up with to benefit from that amazing softward with the online coaching.

So hope those are some winners...along with the old faves,, and Eve Wilson at

Wonderful Resource to Try for Free or sign up for a program....So awesome!

on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 15:21

Life Force Academy on offers amazing free programs from time to time. I'd say see if you can do one of those before signing up for the whole year like I did since if you don't have the time you may never really make the time to do it...and a year goes by quickly. There's lots of inspiration and they are worth supporting. So really no way to go wrong....Looking forward to finding out what's next, how to support one's voice, business, programs and more. Best to all...

Some Oldies and Goodies to Know About and Take a Moment to Enjoy!

on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 15:15

Hello Fabulous Light,

What a brilliant week - such unique perspectives were brought forth and there are some incredible healings and processes on these calls - catch the replays here:

Here's what's available for you on the replays:

~ YOU Can Build the Golden Age - Live Free in your Sovereignty with Elizabeth Wood

~ The Arcturian Earth Element and 5 Volcanic Powers: Creating a Lasting and Healing Connection to Mother Earth with Gene Ang

~ Divine Heart & Lung Restoration - Overcome Unworthiness + Overwhelming Sadness with Amanda Hopkins

~ Exact 4
