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Extended Version Two of Family Stories, about My Mom and My Son, me and more (as usual)

on Fri, 08/12/2016 - 21:36


For those who are up for an extended version of family stories and recounting of some aspects of Kaelan's crossing over, this google doc link will fill you in...

A Potpourri of Ideas on What Would Have Been My Mom's 94th Birthday..Love and hugs to Heaven!

on Fri, 08/12/2016 - 12:29


on Fri, 08/12/2016 - 08:2

To view in see

There is an extended version and yes, ideas and stories flow in a free form manner. Pace yourself and don't worry about 'keeping track' this is one of those road less taken journeys with no clear point to reach, just a kind of open sharing. I will put that up next with a link also on a separate post.

Before I announce the date (again in my blog) of my Mom's Birthdate I have to let you know there is a small controversy about it.

Flight or Fiction? Oct 22,2016 in Salem MA--UFO talk with writer Thom Reed

on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 18:54

Fasten your seat belts.. This topic (from the 1960s in 

Sheffield MA) may be more intriguing (and controversial than a space launch from your backyard.)

This can be viewed better in the following link:

I received a notice about  UFO of  Sheffield MA experience from the 1960s.The New Venue is in SALEM MA  event being held on October 22nd 2016 from 11am-7pm. Get tickets in advance for 50 dollars before the price goes up (on 10-15-16 and may run out.)

I received the sites below and last paragraph from Thom Reed (see

When Tragedy Strikes During a Safety Training, Confusion yet Care Goals Heightened

on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 12:57

Expect the Unexpected is the name of a book by Bill Phillps, a medium who conveys the wonder of believing in the after life and of helping people as Marc Anthony also does in his two books, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go. These and many other skilled and insightful people from many traditions around the world describe that there really may be an afterlife that is rather amazing, peaceful and part of our spiritual growth.I have studied more of these kinds of theories since losing loved ones and realizing there was more to possibly know than I had learned from my education and faith.

Free talks on line, I'll check this one out. The more people who work together to create the needed small percentage of activists to spur the greater shift, the quicker cool things can happen (like calming down and keeping the plan-it from heating up)

on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 22:43
  • Greetings in the dog days of August when one can sweat within a few minutes of walking or stepping out into the humid heat of the day. That's the case in Brooklyn NY this week of August, but rain showers and A/C help us pace ourselves. While some fellas work on rooftops, doing brickwork and construction, the rest of NY is mainly in and out of cool spots all day (I hope) or blessed with fans and ways to cool down with water (drinking it and wearing wet clothes).. all the best.. and peace!
  • The Summer of Peace 
    Get ready to make YOUR unique contribution toward building a culture of peace in your
