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National Healthcare Decisions Day, Great Idea to Plant in Your Community Garden Thinking KAPP (Kids, Adults, Partnerships PLANS) any season of the year..sad but important planning to do, together

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 15:12

From A Gentel Parting business outreach:

PLEASE SHARE THIS ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: National Healthcare Decisions Day aims to help people across the U.S. understand the value of advance healthcare planning. For 2017, NHDD will be a week long event, from April 16 to 22.

THAT WEEK, my friend and colleague Ingrid Esposito and I WILL BE CO-HOSTING TWO FREE PUBLIC EVENTS IN LIBRARIES ACROSS TOWN. Come check it out and understand better in person, why this matters to all of us and our loved ones.

Monday April 17 6-7:30 Woodbridge Town Library
Tuesday April 18 4-6 New Haven Free Public Library-Fair

April 29th, 2017 People's Climate March in DC and as Others Arrange for US-All! See for more info

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 14:52

I get lots of email I never open. When I catch something in the mix that sounds like 'this could make a HuGE difference, and I have minute to read it and say something about it on my blog,, I do. Do you? Why not FB share or call a friend about one or two cool things locally or farther afield.

The difference between 'farther' and 'father' is one "r"...what are you doing to speak to the 'farther' of our country?

"What I Do To You, I Do To Myself", from the video on Edgar Cayce."Let's Think Team and Oneness amidst too much of 'the Other Schtuff"

on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 20:56

When someone got me interested in hearing about theories of money dwindling and computers world wide getting hit with a virus soon, I managed to notice an Edgar Cayce youtube video. One good one led to another so many interesting ideas. This fellow Patrick wandered the world then America for a few years a while back with his wife Jane. That's kind of cool too. 

Patrick suggests at the end for people to think about meditation as way to ask questions about life (getting a job, meeting new nice people, figuring out directions in practical ways or on

Saying a peaceful, positive prayer for US-All in the World during these challenging times (N Korea et al)

on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 02:38

After viewing a few youtube videos a friend sent me, I realize I have not been following The Main News of the Day. What I can recall briefly from the couple hours of programming worth viewing for oneself (though much likely will be in the news feeders so the highlights I cover here will maybe be Old News when you read this.) The leader of North Korea holds that the Korean War from 1950-53 ended with a truce not a treaty so it's an ongoing conflict that could heat up at any time.

He has made threats to use nuclear weapons against the United States in the past five years and has done so

Hudson Valley Folk Guild Presenting....Caroline Paton and Friends in Concert 4-14-17

on Wed, 04/12/2017 - 12:18
(Pardon all CAps, but Big News here from the Concert Circuit News RElease!
PLus I don't know how to turn it off, so let's just keep the Party going..
.and Kudos Caroline, Family, friends and Folk-Legacy!
PS Free Music from their site of a 100 plus Folk Musicians via Youtube,
great to have songs  you and your kids can sing along with folks of all ages)

The Hudson Valley Folk Guild's Friends of Fiddler's Green Chapter will be presenting Caroline Paton and Friends in concert, on Friday
