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The Galaxy NGC 3344 emitting blue lit baby stars and a spiral of arms around its center

on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 00:52

Hello Big Earth World (and Anyone Else Listening or Reading in the Universe),

Just learning about NGC 3344 only 20 million light years away and its many wonders...view from the Hubble Telescope which shows its full spiral form around a center. Basically I have a lot more to learn but wanted to share the news as I was hearing it online.

Happy googling more info and considering the bigger picture in your dreams...'All things are connected' many say and likely quantum science is proving. Things that happen on earth may affect other realms In The Universe.

One Day to the Next..."Human Wake Up Call" inspiring book and offerings by Mike Jaffe

on Fri, 04/06/2018 - 01:41

After seeing the John Krol Show which depicts cool folks of the Berkshire Mass. region, I posted the following on guest Mike and Sabrina Jaffe who have lived and worked in the area for 8 years.Thanks for the inspiration..maybe visit Toastmasters a place some of your guests could get inspired to start a corporate or community club (guests are welcome, but check the site for info too.) For everyone's quick reference, see and www.MikeJaffeSpeaking or Thanks a bundle!

Another handy-dandy resource for locals include Kripalu, Omega

From Vassar (my college days in the 1980s) to Vassell (learning of a recent tragic passing 4-4-18 in Brooklyn NY)

on Thu, 04/05/2018 - 17:54

Sharing to have a time of remembrance and reflection on the life of Saheed Vassell, who died yesterday in Brooklyn NY.

May his life journey now be one of peace and spiritual balance as that may play out for anyone crossing over. Many say holding positive thoughts of the person for three days can assist that spirit in their journey. May we all feel more aware and connected to all who have walked the earth as we learn of their journeys, challenges, personalities and circles of friends, even if seemingly isolated or in a time of struggle in life or near the time of their passing.


Flash Sale on The Reconnection Online Classes... Check it Out!

on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 03:25

With all the billions of people on the planet being good sports for the most part, why wouldn't it help to know what we ourselves could do to stay healthier and in the flow of good things coming our way and connecting with not only others but "light, energy and information' that could help us on our earthly journey?

That's my way of encouraging more people to learn about what has to offer.

1 Invasive, 2 Invasives, 3 Invasives, More...All Eyes Needed to Report Invasives (England's Done It, so far so good)

on Tue, 04/03/2018 - 03:15

After a talk at the Sharon Garden Club in CT by Christian Allyn on invasive plants, I was heartened to hear that England got everyone on the ball with reporting invasive plants on a website. Why not replicate That? Invade the secrets of the invasives from locations to varieties and miserable details such as  Japanese barberry can house 150 ticks in an area that native barberry will only have a couple of ticks.

How about learning the Lone Star tick from Texas, yes, That Texas, can inflict a powerful punch of an infection.
