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Embellishing Options for Caring for Students and Families in One's Area..small town or otherwise

on Mon, 10/22/2018 - 17:54

After reading about concerns on Reg One Community FB page about the dicey prospects of the new program at the high school, I shared the following. Overall the idea is to use the permaculture principle (which are online and in a post  on the online Turtle Garden Permaculture Game) to have many ways to meet needs...and multiple supports to get a job done..whether gardening or educating others (and one another...) 

Also 'conserving energy' would speak to having a support group for each grade if not each class rather than have every family work hard to help their own child/ren succeed.

When a Stray Dog Fights and Bites, High Medical Fees Can Result. When Kids Fight in the Street, Could be Worse..Let's Work on Prevention!

on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 14:30

After hearing about a brave woman's battle to keep a stray from attacking her dog (twice) and getting a bill for 18K she thankfully had insurance to cover (with an 900 dollar copay), I shared the following about trying to Prevent that kind of serious situation..."Expect the Unexpected" is a motto I try to plan for to live life fully and that would definitely include safety and without harrowing events if possible for everyone..but some say 'there's a chance we signed up to learn bigger life and spiritual lessons not only for ourselves but for our tribe and our I'm thinking thing

Watch Out for Falling Luggage from Above Head Racks on Trains

on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 04:02

A not so funny thing happened when I was settling into a train ride from Brooklyn NY. Minutes before the doors closed a couple of  young women (one in a long tailored coat) boarded with very large hard suitcases. A little voice in my head said I could see if they needed help.

But I was not facing them and they seemed to be managing. Plus I was just sitting down. Within a moment of them lifting one piece up, I heard a gasp and urgent  'Oh no!' As I turned around, I saw the large shiny suitcase careening down an invisible slide toward the seats below.

One fellow saw it headed toward him and

October Red Sneaker Highlights in Brooklyn NY in 2018

on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 03:36

The first pair of red sneakers I noticed in Brooklyn NY were worn by none other than famous auther Barbara Kingsolver! She was speaking at St. Joseph's College on Monday, October 15th, and I happened to get to her live interview, compliments of Green Light Bookstore. The podcasts of the talks will be on their website for you to enjoy watching barefoot if you like.

The mature, relaxed Barbara Kingsolver dressed in jeans and a casual long sleeved shirt (not tucked in) was personable and wise. The accomplished author on her first speaking tour for her new release Unsheltered was also lucky!

What I Wrote After Brett Kavanaugh Was Confirmed-- We Have to Work Harder to Prevent Harm and Downward Spirals!

on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 03:22
October 2018 has been a big wake up call for our country.  Before his confirmation 51-49, there were 100 vigils in the United States protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. #KavaKnowSoDoWe is a hashtag that came to mind to capture our informed concerns.
 We need to strive in elections as well as business and personal roles to understand the issues at stake as well as person's character and assault record.
