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A Cozy Town Needs More People Playing the Leadership Roles to Be A Town

on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 23:46

Here's a post I put on a serious notice given to the Town of Falls Village CT also known as Town of Canaan CT (which happens to be My Home Town after being in Salisbury Ct for 4 years).

Much quieter than the ol' Route 44-dominated scene and unfortunately noise and pollution than much of Millerton NY or even Great Barrington MA, other favorite spots...and of course any city you can think of, so lend us your ears, kids, courage and talent ideally with lots of funds  and not too many needs.

But we like many are small but mighty And the HVRHS programs couldn't be more convenient.

The Power of the Invitation...How's this Family-friendly sounding Tone Work for You, since I'm counting you in the loop (big and loopy as it is in ways, come on in!)

on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 21:49
Hello to a Batch of the Family and Friends (yes I really sent this out since Jarred Hewett is on You Wealth tonight and I hope you can join in the free call. Jenn McLean also is offering a cool package and personal event in CA..if I weren't in NY I might be tempted, let me know what you think would be Grand..
But meanwhile.. I feel Jarrad is an inspiration like a rags to riches story..but one of illness to extreme health... Which would we pick?

More Good Thoughts and Resources Flowing from Joining Together in Hard Times, Bidding Loved Ones an Earthly Farewell

on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 20:46
Here is a post I put on in response to a simple thank you for the thoughts I shared about the love growing stronger to help heal the sudden loss of a loved one. I will put more anonymity in but many will know the connections to the 'wind beneath our wings' in a recent loss involving water.
I'm sure many will continue to be inspired by his life of adventure and good works...and even take added precautions as much as possible.
As one friend said long ago.

Back to the Big Leagues of Bigger Thinkering...With Gregg Braden's Prompt Questions...Who am I and Who Are We?

on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 15:32
"Morning Has Broken" is a song that comes to mind this last Sunday in part to consider reverently what has unfolded in the past month for everyone..I want to share the free resource offered by Gregg Braden of four short but insightful scientific inquiry about the life long questions...Who Am I? and Who Are We? (joining with others or on wider levels collectively)
.So much good and even heartfelt reflections amidst graduations and completions of school years and other aspects of gathering and reflecting since Memorial Day on loved ones who have given us much to reflect on whether

Lightening Up with Baby Talk...and Heart Talk too (see Gregg Braden's free four-part series, June/July 2019)

on Sun, 06/30/2019 - 03:43
Hello All and then some... Hope this finds you well (and mostly heading to sleep zones before midnight.)
 Many wonderful singers and musicians are currently at Old Songs in Altamont NY (worth looking up what's going on there on youtube etc or online...good heart energies I'd say and likely a few tributes to our late Caroline and Sandy Paton and family, here and above ( including our late teen son Kaelan...and Lee Haggerty, the other founder of Folk-Legacy.)
Good rockin' the babes songs too (and I do promote the idea of rocking in a stepping pattern to make it a win-win for the knees
