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PMH Atwater shares key insights about NDEs (Near Death Experiences) on youtube and in books

on Sun, 09/08/2019 - 03:42

PMH Atwater is amazing to hear and see on youtube for free. Check out the link for starters. Even skim through it. She teaches at the Monroe Institute.

Some of her programs are online as well. She shares more about that at `17 min into the talks. She talks about timeshifts...and she says 'we can create them.'

There's lots more but she's written a comprehensive book on NDEs. For those who feel they can time travel in their car, she has some tips about that.

September 7th, 2019: Gathering of the Tribes and Vibes to Feel More Alive

on Sat, 09/07/2019 - 15:24

With many traditions around the world marking September as a time of harvest and start of a new cycle or year and with public school, private and homeschool people shifting their routines to interact with many others after time off over the summer or from other programs, there is plenty to consider as a person, community member and in larger contexts. In America, the time of remembrance of the September 11th, 2001 is coming around, with more people aware of the possibilities that it may not have been what was portrayed in the media or even what eye witnesses came to believe they were seeing.

Helping and Healing for Hurricane Dorian the Bahamas and as may result

on Tue, 09/03/2019 - 00:13

While the weather has been ideal for a Labor Day Weekend with summer fairs and outings in much of the USA, the fear of Hurricane Dorian has become a reality for those in the Bahamas. I got a newsletter on the email from Mercy Corps, a longterm medical outreach, for an Emergency Donation for Humanitarian Aid. Look up their site, the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders (I met one of their outreach folks by Grand Central last week in NYC.) There are ongoing needs in some places, but these natural disasters garner our attention.

Feel the Beat with Your Feet at Berkshire Pulse in Southwestern Mass.! Acting and Contra Dance classes too among the 50 offerings!

on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 21:28

I love hearing about programs for people that enrich their options to network and learn something along the way... With dance there's a 'universal language' that more people are appreciating if not only from commercials on television.

Sunday, Sept. 29th, 2109 CROP Walk in Falls Village CT--Join In or Donate As You Can. Also see The Berkshire Community Land Trust and Properties

on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 21:13

I shared this post on the Great Barrington Community Board of MA. There may be a new group starting due to some issues with that one. A person shared a site I looked into a bit,

Here are other thoughts as well..Good luck to all preparing for Hurricane Dorian in Florida and big thanks to all able to help others whether in the state or travelling from other states. Hunker down and stock up on supplies (first.)

Likely there are lists to doublecheck to have fresh water, food and canned goods, basic medicine and supplies handy (maybe even adult and child briefs if
