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Among the first to Congratulate the 21st Century Fund of HVRHS, Falls Village CT, USA

on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 12:56

After looking forward to attending the 25th anniversary of the 21st Century Fund which has been generously supporting many exciting endeavors ' for students and projects at the Housatonic Valley Regional High School (HVRHS) in Falls Village CT, I almost forgot to attend. My day went from helping someone for 4 hours to 8. I had done some shopping and enjoying a meal and walk, then a rest. Only to recall that the event at the Interlaken Inn was from 5pm to 7pm and it was 6:30pm!

Let's Do the Math for our Plan-It Earth: 2030-2020=10 Years to Get Ourselves in Gear!

on Tue, 09/24/2019 - 02:26

2 Thanks to all getting in the groove to turn our earthship around to a more sustainable way of living on said ship. Marianne Williamson has dynamic ways to address key issues. More leaders worth their salt are chiming in. We need competent clear actions in place as soon as possible. Thanks to joining in as you can with larger social media outreach, many initiatives such as Climate Strike 2020 (which kicked off on 9/20/19) and more online, such as

Thanks to all who've been leading the way and "living simply so others may simply live" as a bumper sticker from the 1980s if not before

Following Up on the Post below, plus more on 9/20/19 Peter Baker Talk

on Sun, 09/22/2019 - 02:54
Pardon the text being altered by transferring this post and the one below from FB on Northwest Corner Chatter (of CT) to A few punctuation marks didn't carry over (commas not periods often.)
Just saw Maureen McGovern shine with her varied songs and friendly chatting with the Sharon Playhouse audience...rather poignant way to mark the turn of the seasons and come down from the serious topics touched on at the Hotchkiss School hosted talk of NY Times White House (Trump) reporter Peter Baker for the
I was able to ask Peter Baker if he had heard of

When A Young Person's Bike Was Stolen

on Fri, 09/20/2019 - 16:25

Don't rule out a kind of mental health or substance use issue that may be factoring into someone's illegal behavior...CT is going to start treating mental health (aka brain disorders, mental illness) more seriously. While the person may be 'functional physically' that doesn't rule out a gap in their understanding of 'right and wrong'.

Substance abuse is famous of 'blurring the lines', yet even without such a reason, people can have the same kinds of issues.
