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From information...Yes, this may shed a less than encouraging light on 5 G, but worth researching Now rather than 'Too later'

on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 22:06

CLICK HERE for more info or

The Internet of Things is upon us. Fifth-generation wireless (5G), which will soon blanket the planet, enabling “smart” homes, “smart” cities, and self-driving cars. Yet, its social justice implications are staggering. International appealfrom 207 nations: “5G threatens permanent damage to all of Earth’s living systems”  

“The evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is overwhelming,” according to an appeal to the UN by over 175,000 signatories, including hundreds of scientists.

Life In The Hopefully Soon to be Fast Lane of Fiber Optics..from the 06031 Selectman's Blog

on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 21:38

From, Falls Village CT 06031, No Edits or Additions from Livfully (except the title of this post) 

( The following from the Selectman's Blog)

" What can you do? Several things in fact.

You can support the Fiber Optic initiative, the zoning changes to help us get more downtown vitality, support increasing our line item in the budget for downtown renovation and maintenance, continue to volunteer and embrace affordable, mixed use housing.

We, your selectmen, are optimists.

We want to ensure that we prepare our little part of the world to get more than our fair share

Get thee to a Library...and Check out Great Resources (even free courses online)

on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 21:13

 Due to cold weather I found myself curious about whether a library were open..and Lucky me, it was. Then I saw a sign about the free e-courses and e-books I could get if I signed on...So I am passing those tips along and also since I have my laptop but not my cell phone for a day, I wanted to be in touch with someone. That can be accomplished online and if I brave using my Skype phone account (which costs 3 dollars monthly) I can call someone's phone from my computer.

The library is a gift that keeps giving and inspiring, so for your holiday or other gift-giving needs, why not center part

Cheering on the recipients of a $250K Grant to Days for Girls International in London

on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 00:47

Somehow I got from a Vassar College post about Climate Action to a podcast on the site of Goldman Sachs. Then I was trying to share their podcast on ways to adapt to the climate change challenges such as more extreme temperatures, storms, wildfires, city constraints and ocean acidification and landed on their FB page. So I am sharing a current bit of good news from their site as follows:

"Congratulations to the winners of this year’s #GSGives Analyst Impact Fund finals. The team, based out of London, secured a $250,000 grant for Days for Girls International, an organization that increases

Tiny Habits Masterclass by Katherine Miller sounds online offer now

on Fri, 11/08/2019 - 16:19

 Check out the masterclass that 'works for you' for a live class... Lots of other inspiring programs from her and others as well, so worth checking online for inspiration and good tips, such as at here on too.
