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Degrees of Protests...and To Jump or Not to Jump from Dangerously High Spots Into Water? How about "NO!"

on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 20:29
As the weather is warming, people are wanting to cool off. That's cool, and if there are more options than wearing wet clothes and soaking one's head or feet in some cold refreshing water, why not enjoy some time swimming in a safe, supervised area.
But when it comes to diving or doing flips and stunts off the edge of a cement pool or any surface you could slip (especially rocks) Think Twice. If there's signage prohibiting such things by the town or landlord of a spot, then heed that.

Listening to What My Mom and Dad Would Say In My Heart, June 2020

on Tue, 06/02/2020 - 13:29
If you stick to the end of this post, there's a joke waiting for you (or you can skip ahead... Your Choice! When we would tell our Mom we were bored and didn't know what to do, she would say, "You Can Co Anything You Want!")
This is the time, June 2nd, my Mom passed away in 2004, and then my Dad in 2007 on June 3rd. So lots of gratitude and reflection on their special shared journeys, both born in 1922 and living into their 80s.
There are many amazing parts to their life story, such as meeting on the beach in New Hampshire during WW2, and getting married shortly after looking like

Watching the live report of Autopsy Results from George Floyd's Family Attorney and Independent Doctors

on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 19:57 

As difficult as this is to hear and realize is changing our country on multitude of levels, some in difficult and violent ways, but primarily in amazing ways of bringing people together, this is a breath of fresh and lifegiving air. It's all very heartbreaking...the whole turn of events. What we might look into as well are factors of what may have caused Chauvin and the other police to do what they did. Was that a pattern among them and among the Minneapolis police, or wider trends?

All that Matters...Is Water (and Light and the basics) and Products to help with Living Well

on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 19:04

Here are some other products I'm hearing about and hope more can learn about from the FB New Life Expo Virtual Exhibit...Check out the following...and fasten your seatbelt (or just Pace Yo'self..this is important info.)


Are filters needed...might anything clog it up..lime etc... OKay you just said nothing is needed...put it in after hotwater system to avoid having things clog up from the release... check with them...
The water in one's house could get

We need an absorbable fluid of hyaluronic acid, liquid collagen and chondroitin sulfate

on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 17:44

 Here are some notes and chat from the New Life Expo virtual talk on FB, 5/31/20 LIQUID BIOCELL COLLAGEN-Grazyna Pajunen (GAPINVESTMENTS@GMAIL.COM)
Dr. Grazyna Pajunen IS A  Board-certified Functional Nutritionist.
Science is changing the way we age. Learn how to rebuild your joints and connecting tissue and reduce your wrinkles naturally,  without surgery, medications, and injections. 
Our method is solving the core problem of why joints start to degenerate.. This new generation of super nutraceuticals has received multiple industry awards and 7 US and international patents

Thanks So Much for
