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Kudos to All Journeying With Care and Concern for Themselves and Others for Greater Learning and Collective Growth

on Sat, 06/06/2020 - 16:22

Wherever one is in their learning or life journey, take time to celebrate and promote care and concern for others as well as for oneself. Thanks for joining in meaningful efforts and networking on many levels in person and online.

 See this link as you can to celebrate with Vassar as part of a virtual reunion and her of the successful fundraising efforts.

The virtual Vassar reunion welcome speech is one that many can enjoy this June as part of our shared legacy and support to move forward with renewed conviction

Rather Dismal Set of Information, but Important Given Everything that's Going on...and to realize why we need to have safer restraint options Not Involving Choking

on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 21:42

Most people feel we need to 'face the reality' of what happened in such a public, sudden manner. Knowing the mechanics of the bodily systems and impact of how George was mistreated are important for justice to be carried out effectively in the trials of the four police being held accountable.

There is more to consider about those roles, but this is about the physical evidence and biological consequences of the police applying pressure to George Floyd's neck and back while he was lying on his stomach on the pavement.

House of Angels Foundation and School for Indigo Children inspired by Tammy Adams

on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 20:45

Find out more from Tammy Adams... The ideas of connecting with one's soul mate (which is not selfish...) and one's soul's purpose. She has some programs currently that are highly intuitive and very helpful to know about. She says when 'we are disconnected from our hearts' then we are 'off base' and not on our path and things may fall apart.

Give a listen to what she has to say as you feel led. She is sharing that the heart is central and a lot of life has to do with a sense of love (over logic...)

Now what I'm curious about is 'finding the right mix' so that people would be safe, sensible

Strong Defense if a Good Offense.. Use Personal Safety Protection (Social and Physical distancing and Accountability with a team etc)..and now about Password safety (from the pros)

on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 18:47

The following tips are from an official site see the wisdom and put it into practice.That goes for A Lot of Things in Real Life (and Even Planning for What IF situations...)


Create a strong password

  • Use unique words - Don't use obvious words like "password".
  • Have 12 or more characters - Longer passwords are more secure.
  • Don't be obvious - Don't use personal information like your name, your Yahoo ID, birthday, etc.
  • Avoid sequences or repeated characters - Don't use adjacent characters on your keyboard (QWERTY).
  • Use a different password for each site - Otherwise, if someone acquires

Reflecting on the Years Since Our Heroic Kaelan Paton's Came to a sudden June 2009

on Fri, 06/05/2020 - 04:44

. These are comments I added to the longer piece (that grew over the years) called Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton. I live where I can walk to the family cemetery and even see the place where fun turned into tragedy, leaving many lessons to prevent harm in it's wake (such as not going near dangerous water and particularly not to swim or jump in it, among other things.) Thanks for doing what you can with common sense taking the helm and living to see decades of growth and smart, safe adventures!
