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Quiet Zoom Meeting at 7PM June 16th, 2020... #RememberingCTHeroKaelan2020

on Tue, 06/16/2020 - 23:37

MeganCole.Net, Daniel Reichart photography, and other sites have popped up on my evening scroll, plus lots from Shahin Jedian...and this

Richard Rudd is the founder of Gene Keys, a complete map of the trajectory of human evolution. Its purpose is to unlock the great reservoir of genius that lies inside you and bring you into a deep state of harmony with every aspect of your life.

 On Unify, Raamayan and Blu will be interviewing Richard about his upcoming programs and about how Gene Keys can be best used and applied for theesee times.

Whose familiar with the site of fireflies on a summer night

From the DEP site About Bears .. Please take note (and Don't Feed the Bears or Other Wildlife)

on Tue, 06/16/2020 - 21:55

From the CT DEEP website:
Bear Management
As Connecticut’s bear population continues to increase, more bears, particularly young bears, will be seen near residential areas. The DEEP's response will depend on the specifics of each bear situation. The me
re presence of a bear does not necessitate its removal. In most cases, if left alone, the bear will make its way to a more natural habitat. Removing food attractants, such as bird feeders, reduces the chance that bears will go near homes. The DEEP seldom relocates bears.

Important Ideas to Seed Gardens of Hope and Change, from Health to Healing on All Levels and Creating New Funds and Support and Game Plans for Success!

on Mon, 06/15/2020 - 17:47

I shared the following with a hundred or more folks on groups about healthcare and advocacy. We are realizing help today is needed to introduce people to basic health (getting Off sugar, soda, smokes and drinks with alcohol or sugar including non-diluted juice and unhealthy carbs in large quantities for starters.)

Thanks to all pursuing the next steps toward team-building (even with friends online) and other supports, such as good talks on youtube and lots more.

There's such a need for this info for preventing diabetes and eating well for health (and sleeping regularly with some exercise as

If you are so moved, make time to connect by phone, zoom or in person with a friend or family... on Tuesday June 16th, 2020 in memory of our late teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton

on Sun, 06/14/2020 - 19:16
One of the groups I am fortunate to have found and joined in a few sessions with in person about 5 years ago is growing strong in the tri-corner area. They are having some zoom meetings to replace the in-person ones and help each other with projects along the way as they can whether cheering or challenging one another as a person requests. Getting help with chores, childcare, moving, cooking and cleaning, applying for jobs and celebrating milestones.
There may be ways to team up for more involved efforts of helping someone who is sick or in need of support even with facing the loss of someone has 16 M fans/followers, Lots to intend and claim as healed (including not going for 5G)

on Sun, 06/14/2020 - 18:22

There's and online replay of the 5G Summit which summed up says 'Say No to 5G'. One comment I saw spoke to my heart...and may also speak to yours...

I quote: I have watched Rewired from Dr. Joe Dispenza and I have learned that our heart is the biggest EMF of our body and that could expand up till 3 meter around is. One can achieve this by achieving heart coherence (more Love in us and around us). I wonder if we all achieve activate our personal EMF will that protect ourselves from the exogenous EMF that surrounds us on a natural way? Has there been any studies on that?

See more online and
