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Everyone could learn about being more objective about 'duping delight', faking smiles and more serious lies!

on Thu, 09/10/2020 - 03:04 Here is a timely important talk. Let's see more of us understand the need to have safe boundaries, read the warming signs such as from Gavin de Becker's Gift of Fear and that for Teens as well. She says watch out for those who use contempt (feeling superior and dismissive of the other person or people.) Look, listen, probe, be curious. Have dignity and consider the consistencies in a person telling a story... an honest person will be upset if accused throughout an interview, but will be consistent no matter how asked to recount what happened.

Sharing a Free Intro Session to Deb Poneman's Yes to Success! Best to the 70 folks and all starting new ventures!

on Thu, 09/10/2020 - 01:38

Today has been a full one...and still going strong. I shared quite a few tweets such as this one with Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli, 'The Prayer." Debra Poneman is offering her Yes to Success! program at the end of September 2020. I enjoyed it a lot and have the talks and bonuses to hear again and catch up with and put into practice. If you'd like to sign up and let me know, I'll get a referral credit, so thanks a lot if that works out. Here's a link to learn more

Please let me know at and I'll send your name

Public Health Concerns for Youth and Young Adults (Both Female and Male): Coercion of Involvement and Negative Health Outcomes

on Wed, 09/09/2020 - 20:34

 JAMA reports in an article AMA Intern Med. 2019;179(11):1551-1558. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.3500 called "Association of Forced Sexual Initiation  and Health Outcomes Among US Women" (particularly with regard to reproductive health, abortion, HIV or STDs etc.) The study was done with interviews of women aged 18-44 and was done in 2011-2017 with about 13 women.

The results of the stud were extrapolated to indicate that about 3 million 15 year old females (on average) were forced to have intercourse by a male about 6 years older, often with the use of drugs, threats or being held down

A for Effort to Save the Bees! Thanks for sharing, caring and donating!

on Tue, 09/08/2020 - 16:48

Friends of the Earth Action organization is alerting people to the dire risk of extinction of the Western Bumblebee. They are asking for donations for their advocacy. See their site and consider geting friends to pitch in to reach their request of $27 or whatever you can swing. Thanks in advance. I've been doing a bit of support for differnt places, small amounts but also sharing the info to get more numbers and dollars behind supporting good efforts. Le'st give each other an A for our efforts to save the Bees!
