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Nice to be Part of this Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe (weekly in 2020)

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 20:57
Saturday Night Alive
for the Global Peace Tribe
Inspirational Virtual Variety Show
Sat. Sep 12  6pm to 9pm PDT
Music, Wisdom, Meditation, Magic & Community Connection
"Indigenous Wisdom as a Source for
Deep Healing and Transformation
in Our Challenging Times"
Luminaries: Chief Golden Light Eagle • Grandmother Flordemayo
Chief Phil Lane, Jr. • Antaurko • Dave Courchene • Steven Newcomb
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb • Jay Mayer
Musicians: Joanne Shenandoah • Olox • Rahelio • Suzanne Sterling
For full lineup and show description, see below!
Hosted By: Scott Catamas, Debra Giusti and Jay Mayer

A Big Thanks to Eve Wilson with a Comment I Thought I'd Share With All of You...

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 20:25

Thanks for your steadfast support to us and the wider world. I shared some of your info on and hope to read your book soon that I've gotten in the past.


Peace and light (from here to Hawaii where I traveled to see Laurie Moore of too and back through Sedona AZ and NM to see friends and more before landing back in NYC after month away in early March 2020. A dream trip come true with a weekend conference with Gregg Braden and few hundred folks learning about HeartMath...I got to go for free to the public booths and met many cool people.)


Then 'we all know

Sharing Post from a New Online Friend...Enjoy if you feel it's a fit

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 20:10

From a Friend to a large group of us online:

"I MUST share this information: I belong to a group whose main focus is (also) evolving, becoming more, expanding beyond anything we ever thought possible, and the means to this expansion is forgiveness.
The basis is the teaching, "A Course In Miracles". There are many aspects to this group, but what is up most relevant for all of us right now - front and center stage - is the channeling of Jesus through Tina Louise Spalding, currently being provided for 40 days and nights, beginning September 8, 2020.
It is available on YouTube and can be

Lots to Consider Especially in the next 5-10 Weeks on Eve Wilson's Blog

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 17:52
  • The following is a summary found at the end of Eve Wilson's  blog post on her
  • She has quite an announcement that there could be large event that claims many lives in the world in the next 10 weeks...and will create a huge wave of those spirits shifting the energies for our evolution. She says not to worry or get caught up in what all of that entails but to trust that it was 'pre-arranged' from many years ago...and was planned to help humanity at this time.

Unify on FB has 180 folks on live... more info here, Mainly for Women... about being honest and healing from here into 2021

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 15:50
Women Rising Series
We are talking with an incredible range of women on an amazing range of real issues. Bringing inspiration and magic! Join us weekly for this series!
This week join us with Miranda Clendening, Rachel Morrison, Robyn Davis, Ondrea Lynn, Danielle E Molella, Karen Palmer, Debbie Garcia as we tackle issues in these hard times with COVID-19 lockdowns and shut-downs, protests, divisions, and how to keep the faith and love and unify as much as possible
