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WOW! Forum only Fifty Dollars and Includes a Replay so no reason not to sign up!

on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 13:03

What if everybuddy could be on the same page for a few hours on Friday, October 1st, 2020 and listen to great women share their insights? Might the world be a better place?

I can't help but think the answer would be a resounding, "Yes!"

Everybuddy participating live would be just that a buddy not only to those who are speaking, connecting with their energy and message but with all the others also taking in the information and relating to it in their unique way and sharing it with their world!

This idea of having WOW!

Get Inspired and Informed with Programs from

on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 12:32

With larger populations, some cities offer support and programs to encourage women and minorities in business. There are state and federal programs as well to even up whose got access to which funds and jobs, but the disconnects can outweight the lighthouse effect of saying there's help and know-how.

One such outfit to know about as an example and hopefully a place people can access is Brooklyn's Business Outreach Center for at (newly named website that is serves women and has links to other resources for minorities as well.) 

With more people talking it up

Marianne Williamson and Jenn McLean leading awesome program this weekend online (yes I'm listening...are you?)

on Sat, 09/26/2020 - 18:34

If I didn't mention this before, Jenn McLean is doing great stuff for free with a Prayer Circle online every month on the 20th in 2020. This weekend she is doing a joint program for empowering people with the esteemed and inspirational Marianne Williamson who teaches the principles of The Course In Miracles (TCIM.) We're on a 15 min break but likely you can still sign up and get the replay.

This is a live event so rather exciting to know they're doing this for our country and world at this critical time.

Join in a Virtual Good Time at the event on Oct 2nd, 2020

on Fri, 09/25/2020 - 17:28

It's that time of year again for Women to get their boost and feel encouraged about this fall season with a place to go and people to see for women in business or leadeship...and overall improvement. 

This year it's online from 9am to Noon  so easy to get to and enjoy from the comfort of one's home or place of business or other small gathering one may want to arrange to add your own touch (on your own nickel but a rather cool idea to enjoy the experience somewhat with in-person connections of your own choosing.)

Here's my own take on this kind of networking but with a much

Going Big with the Wonderment of the World about Being Human and Tuning In to Our Collective Journey

on Fri, 09/25/2020 - 17:26

Who doesn't think of getting tuned in or even a tune up with health and business info whether for personal growth or more networking and ideas to grow a business, publish that book, be that Woman, Partner, Friend, Family Member or Mom With Good Sense? We wear many hats as women and in terms of mothering physically are still the ones delivering babies.

With all the progress we make it's always helpful to recall we're doing a lot in the 'real world' after creating the lives of each person on the planet.
