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Posting Great News of Free 10-Minute Plays Online for 2 Weeks Each, Donations Welcome to the Warner Theater!

on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 20:37
The Warner Theatre will present their 9th Annual International Playwrights Festival – “The Ties That Bind” – from the Nancy Marine Studio Theatre beginning tonight, Friday, November 6 at 7:00 pm! In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, this will be a virtual event. See More on and on  their FB Page.
Each production will be available to view online for a period of two weeks before being taken down. There is no fee to watch but donations are always accepted. This virtual festival is made possible with a generous donation from The Marine Family.
Tonight's production is FINAL REST

Let's Think Positively...A Ho! USA Tonic! (A HousaTonic River Reflection to Renew Our Hope at this time, 11/5/2020

on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 02:41

This FB post is a nice photo of  the Housatonic River with a comment that's gotten a couple hundred likes...I may have to dig around and fing the original since it's not a public FB group...

Let US All remember the great river of life we are privileged to be part of... we have much more in common and value to share as humans evolving with love and respect as core values, so we can and will pull through these times.
This is a Ho-USA-Tonic River photo to help us pull through these times and remember the many on the

Thursday, November 5th, 8:30 p.m. Seems President Biden will be taking the Helm yes?

on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 02:13

How many Americans voted? 66% or about 150 million is my guesstimate. From what we've all been hearing on the media, many of those were mailed-in ballots, and largely Democratic. Nora O'Donnell's team and others have been reporting all along about tallies in each state as the votes cast are being counted. None cast after Nov 3rd are counted, although if they were post-marked by Nov 3rd they can be counted.

These clarifications are important for everyone to understand so confusion doesn't reign in these final hours (or days) before the official declaration can be made.

The Last Hours of "Not Knowing Whose Going to be the Next Pres" of US-All, Biden or Trump?!

on Wed, 11/04/2020 - 05:55

Having wanted to make the most of this past 24 hours of 'counting down to the next President decision' to encourage US All to get ready to 'prepare for landing' as though Sully were landing the plane on the Hudson....but knowing We Will Pull Through the results and half the country will be disappointed if not shocked and the other half content if not elated, it's only now that I'm getting to this to journal for a minute that it's everything we thought it would be and then some...a very close race.

I'm heading to bed  at 12:34 (now), and 5 is the number of

Think Positively This November 2020 and Beyond! Free trials of Can Help!

on Sun, 11/01/2020 - 23:51

Most folks love the idea of short cuts or life hacks to get ahead with stuff that's gotta get done or doing things well. We know we do better if not stressed and ideally with good sleep.

So why not investigate ways to do some of each? With Halloween around the corner, days to reflect on the election and oh yes, the US Presidential election, why not Vote for Yourself to be the best you can be with a few tips from the pros?

Here are some links to access great programs from, something I was happy to learn about and even happier to try out in the past year and join their outreach
