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Memorials for Sandy Hook, and Against Gun Violence Online and Beyond TANSH (Tragedy and transition at Newtown, Sandy Hook)

on Wed, 12/11/2013 - 05:27


The one-year date since the tragedy at Sandy Hook CT shook our collective 'safe and normal' reality will be Dec 14, 2014 around 9:30 am. This year, that will be on a Saturday with vigils like the one planned for non-violence in Salisbury 

on the Green at 5pm, so no worries about 'being at school on that fateful date' from last year.

Thanksgiving Tragedy 2013

on Wed, 12/11/2013 - 03:51

After the first paragraph, it is easiest to view the comments on the original website of and search for Snowplow info.. These comments were made on the heels of learning of a van hitting a snowplow the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving 2013 in Hillsdale NY, with the loss of one girl who was 5 years old from S Egremont MA. One report I saw had said another had also succumbed to injuries but that was erroneous, which I learned a few days later. ...

This tragic accident claiming the life of ONE young person is one that too many towns have faced, yet one that can draw people

To have Dementia or Not? That is the ? not easily answered!

on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 21:33

Taking a class at Noble Horizons in Salisbury CT on Alzheimer's (still room if interested Wed.s in Oct 2013) made it clear there is not an quick easy way to tell if someone has dementia or what kind. A lot of symptoms have to do with people losing aspects of their memory, which is located in various parts of the brain.

Some may not recognize people, others forget names and still others (or with some overlap) may get lost or have problems doing things they used to with their hands or following directions, staying organized or keeping up with ADL (activities of daily living). Good screenings

Elizabeth Smart Speaks Out (review in the Many Voices comments)

on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 21:11

Sometimes I can't easily open a new blog post so end up using a Comment Section to add a new topic..not the best plan but at least I get the ideas down. This whole site is very much 'off the cuff' and reflects posts as I can get to them. I hope to revamp it and make it 'all neat and organized' with shorter paragraphs and such.

Til then, thanks for taking time to read a post or two and add a comment as you can. Elizabeth Smart's interview on in October 2013 on Fresh Air is a game-changer for breaking the silence about abuse of ANY kind.    

 Yet many cannot come forward due to

How have you Remembered Dr. Martin Luther King's March on DC in 1963?

on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 20:55

Hearing President Obama and former Presidents Carter and Clinton) of the US-All speak about MLK Jr.'s leadership and dream of 1963 made this week and today inspirational for me, how about you?       Tune into to review their coverage and many offerings which help keep important news and ideas flowing on the radio/ internet. Until you try it, you won't know what you're missing.   

eanwhile, there is still time, whenever you read this to redouble our collective efforts, as MLK's son and namesake encouraged US-All to do to keep Civil Rights a reality for all people in our country
