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Kudos and Hearts for The Rose Bowl Parade 2020, A-maze-sing!

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 16:59 Join in the uplifting tradition...Hope everybuddy's stepping into the new year and fresh decade with their best foot forward. HugEnergy all around with love from above. Feeling that our loved ones would be proud to ride on any float and wave to the crowds to keep on going and growing in their lives and adventures for the greater good.

Peace and light in memory of all loved ones and souls who have crossed over and those in their circles holding the faith for healing and growth... and wanting to learn, grow and inspire others to do the same with Big Love...It takes

Healing for Hawaii in the New Year. Dr. Laurie Moore and More...

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 02:50 "I am your song..." sings 14:14 (and a song at 1:09 and another around 40 min...) See her site for other info on her books, talks and more. She's a great friend to have as th new year and decade arrivse... HugEnergy to one and all... aloha to 2019 and welcome to 2020! Let's many sparkling gems in a treasure chest...we glow brightest when we feel happy in our nest and do our best... Okay I need to chillax now and keep in touch with the NYC broadcast...Peace and Happy Trails to Everybuddy!

Watching the Live NYC Times Square 2019, Foxy Ideas to Focus on Climate Change

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 01:40

Make a Plan to Make It Happen is something the announcer shared after hearing of a young couple from Ohio meeting at a camp 6 years prior who spoke of going to celebrate New Year's Eve some day. They've been married five years. They had also shared surprise birthday trip (to Phoenix AZ) for him to go skydiving (apparently alone I think...)

Her husband went along with it.

AI, Artificial Intelligence is fed by the data (like the new oil) on a Frontline Documentary

on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 22:59 will be a game changer Machines may cut many jobs as AI figures out all sorts of things and can make 'innovative' applications as well.. I'll make this one of my shortest posts..but please make time to look it over...It's about our lifestyle and futures... in America and China. China's way ahead so far... in the AI race... crazy big numbers...fasten your seatbelts..

Serious Reflections about Solitary Confinement in Prisons (Way too many who aren't even charged with a crime)...and more on 12/31/19

on Tue, 12/31/2019 - 16:47

"Like most jails, three-quarters or more of inmates had not been convicted of a crime and yet spent months and sometimes years awaiting trial in isolation." That has huge implications for the public to consider. People can be arrested and held without having been convicted of a crime. When do kids learn this in school, or their parents or adults in general? In NYC there is a growing effort to not hold people who cannot make bail (Jail Without Bail) as much.

 I'll look more into this in 2020..but my bigger question is Why Doesn't Every State have an ongoing education campaign for all people
