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How About A Forum to Learn About 'Life, Death, Organ Donation.Consciousness After Death, Religious and Spiritual Insights?"

on Mon, 06/08/2020 - 01:49

Maybe It's Too Much to ASK, yet if we have the time and fortitude, the online and personal inquiry efforts pooled to review publicly and thoroughly the deep and important issues that pertain to each and every human being, and many 'in utero or in test tubes or the embryo stage outside of the womb'...well, what might that help us figure out, and what might that mean for the realm of understanding, facing and making decisions about in vitro, pregnancy, early hours, days and weeks of pregnancy, birth control measures, abortion at various stages, the ending of a human's life upon partial birth

Sunday, June 7th, 2020 "Know Justice, Know Peace" Let's Map it out, talk it out and Make Changes Today!

on Sun, 06/07/2020 - 20:13 is a link to NYC protests with police 'getting aggressive'.

There is a lot to learn about.. Likely a comprehensive list of demonstrations, gatherings, protests and 'riots' would be important to each state, interventions and police reactions or initiatives of 'control', monitoring or aggression or violence.

Tragic May 2020 Crime: #MauriceGordonNYJamaicanStudentFatality

on Sun, 06/07/2020 - 16:02 is a link to the article of the strange turn of events in which a white police officer shot a young black man who had been pulled over for speeding but then was waiting in the back seat of the police car voluntarily for a tow truck. Apparently Maurice Gordon started to adjust his seatbelt and was told twice not to do so.

He was not under arrest or informed of the risk of getting out of the car that seemed to want to wait in rather than be on the side of the NJ Garden State Parkway.

June 6th, 2020 Motorcycle Accident in Winsted Ct claims the life of local, Travis Madden, 34, on June

on Sun, 06/07/2020 - 15:54
Prayers for Travis Madden in spirit and for his family and friends...and for our neighboring community of Winsted at this difficult time of accepting Travis' sudden passing. All involved in the tragic turn of events deserve our support and prayers for healing on all levels.
Most know that Route 44 is a 'risky road' for various reasons, and hopefully everyone can find ways to drive more carefully and even slowly on our country roads...the back roads and even the 'faster one's', and of course being careful at stops and making turns.
We can all learn from one another and show our

Tim Sanders and Lackey on 5G Summit to Recorrect Imbalanced Way Fields

on Sun, 06/07/2020 - 04:27
This is a FB post I shared with friends in my Vassar Reunion virtual get together. There are products from Tim Sanders related to the topic I get into on this post to help people rebalance energetically...Sounds good to me!
It almost seemed too indulgent to tune in while folks are protesting but the change we are part of can ripple out in all directions..I cover a bit of everything on Thanks to all for finding a way to connect...especially if it was a challenge.
Really it's a breath of fresh air to appreciate our shared journeys and lean into ways to 'spread the love' and
