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Welcome to the last 9 days of August 2020 and into September 2020

on Sat, 08/22/2020 - 13:15

Here's a note I penned to local family groups on my NWCT area (and an hour away) but which can pertain to many... Pat yourrselves on the back for pulling through, so far, so good! I know some who have come through big medical challenges so join me in sending more healing love and support as treatments continue to clear up one young girl's system... and many thanks to those doing the top notch work in the medical field and on all levels that promote healing, naturally, emotionally, spiritually and otherwise...It all adds up!

Hope everyone is feeling 'safe and put back together again' if there

Hi Christina in AZ, Thanks for your help resetting my password!

on Fri, 08/21/2020 - 22:12

Guess who got locked out of her blog? Yes, that would be me...and unfortunately after being on the phone of a half an hour and having a lot trouble logging in to change the password on this site with a patient wise person from Enhance who helps run support for Bluehost and many others...yours truly hung up by mistake instead of giving her a raving review on the 2 question survey. Battin' 1000 over here...but Somehow after checking my trash on a couple of email accounts I found the link to create a new password and get up and running.

She checked with folks in the know (management, everyone

One of Many Letters to the Editor (The Lakeville Journal of CT): The Driver's Seat

on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 18:52

Edgar Cayce and many in the quantum field theory including author David Shiang who I’ve met briefly in Deb Poneman’s Yes to Success, say ‘everything has some connection to everything else ... or that it doesn’t happen “out of the blue.”

As human beings on earth people such as Ali Storm of Project One offers that we are in the driver’s seat for how not only our individual, state or country’s well-being goes, but humanity’s at large.

This time of 2020 is like no other time in history or the galaxy, again considering where the planets are and the many theories of our collective human

Contact for great offers for these times, some free!

on Mon, 08/17/2020 - 22:39

I get quite a bit of email, some of which I don't open. But I did open the one from and am glad I did. I hope to get to some of their online programs on a donation basis....Hope this finds you in good spirits and health.

The offerings online are worth learning about and trying. Best to all...and if there's a referral spot, let them know I sent you..Catherine at or

Sharing my Chat Notes from a Class on Civil Disobedience...and modern examples of concerns and approaches...

on Thu, 08/13/2020 - 15:54

Learning with a small group of folks with a dynamic wise teacher about various historical views about Civil Disobedience is a great opportunity. I hope to go over the talks in more depth... Short texts from Thoreau, Delmas, Ghandi and Frederick Douglas among other figures are being explored.

There's a link as well to a photo that 'speaks a thousand words' about the historical violence shown to people of color (particularly during the time of segregation.) See other talks on The Salisbury Forum online from over the years...and many rich points are covered in the class I'm taking that I have
