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From COVID Times to Middle East Misery Times, The World Waves of Trials and Downward Spirals so more Hope needed now!

on Fri, 01/19/2024 - 04:06

Hi to All as I hope to post more frequently here and on (A Catchy Name, Right?

That allows for other, as part of a group of blogs has a good post about our late teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton whose love, skill and miraculous life movie (as I called it in 365 Days of Gratitude 2024 with Donna Kozik book that's now on Amazon for kindle or print) can inspire many while the world seems to be going a bit more off course than on track for the Aquarion Healing and Greater Love that many say is in the stars, hearts and minds of

From Road Rage Victims to Domestic Violence or Elder Victims (often similar), We Can All Learn more from and this blog too!

on Thu, 01/18/2024 - 16:46

See this while you read what I wrote as I was listening...(or pace yourself and take notes and reflect later...)

Thanks to all braving planning for safety and care year-round at each age and stage of life.

Peace to all those who have lost loved ones or others in this way...and may the souls of those who have journeyed on

be at peace and tuned into our shared journey, guiding us like the stars above

on a dark night or with love and guidance messages during the day as we're awake or even in our dreams...

Very sad situations shared

What is the "Corporate Transparency Act" for Jan 1, 2024?!

on Fri, 12/08/2023 - 05:00

A friend I've heard a lot about running podcasts and such from being on sent me an email...and I wish I'd gotten it soon enough to tune into a program that was explaining more. But for now I'll share part of the email with hopes people (and I'm talking all in the US from state gov't folks and regular business and non-profit ventures can look into this pronto!


We've all heard a bunch of stuff that would be nice if we knew it were a joke or hocus pocus...but we know there are things like BRICS (that's currency used by Brazil, Russian, India, China and South Africa or did I add

Why Not Dare to Care and Share Plan-It Heart for Our Collective Evolution?

on Mon, 10/30/2023 - 21:01
To the Editor:
 Unfortunately even after thousands of years of modernization and ways to
'look into the future' currently in the '3D reality', a theme of gentrification and
upscaling driving out locals from many areas seems the new normal in many
areas and countries.
Millions of people are scrambling to think of how to make ends meet.
They could benefit from what and many in permaculture
circles such as offer in terms of people working together for community solutions.
 Everyone deserves a team of support during their lifetime, especially when starting out
and in elder

If Going to (if Grand Central open if not in town already) See or app to get directions for subway. Many more reflections about This Time in the World- Please Pray for Peace!

on Sat, 10/28/2023 - 01:44
So FYI, if braving going to to consider ways to raise human consciousness and hear about
health and ways to connect with positive ideas and hear timely theories about all sorts of 'out there' topics that
could really help in these dire's how to get from Grand Central to there...Nice area near a park so
can catch outdoor warm weather too.
That said, wherever you are 'Think Peace' and let's hope the world leaders
and people the world over can address these times with more concern and new options for peace as we are all
connected and fortunate to have made it thus
